Feeling so hungry now...its only 11.41pm....about 16 more hours to go now...A lot of food is appearing in my mind and I am yearning for so many types of food...."I wan KFC", "I wan steamboat", even cup noodles is so appealing to me right now.
Just now...as I watch they preparing the BBQ chicken for dinner, it looks so tempting..the aroma of it and the look of it..Watching everyone eat all good food and BBQ, I can only watch but not eat. And at that moment, it just came across my mind...is this what the children and the poor feels? They are hungry most of the time, no money to buy any food and they can only watch and watch as they walk by shops that sells bread or food...and seeing people eating in the restaurant.
We always take food for granted but imagine what the child is feeling as she or he looks into the window of the restaurant or shop...wishing they could have a bite...
I can go on...I can fast for 30 hours only cause of 1 reason. Only one thing thats keeps me going and pressing on no matter how tempted I feel to give up... My pain is nothing as compared to them...my suffering and hunger is only temporary as compared to those that are homeless and have to suffer from hunger nearly every moment of their life. Everyday they could only have 1 meal the most but most of the time....they suffer from hunger...
God, please break my heart for what breaks Yours when You see Your people suffering.
I learn again this year..more of a reminder...be thankful and never take things for granted! Never complain for what we have but be thankful that we have it. No matter how little we have...still be thankful for the little that we have...
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