Baby assorted cute Bit & Mit praying... hehe... they cleaning & wiping their faces after feeding them medication... I love watching them.. they actions never fail to amuse me... they are so adorable.. whenever I went near their cage...they will come forward and greet me.. love watching them cuddling each other, cleaning each other n 'kissing' each other.. jus now, saw them facing each other, nose touching nose..n moving their little heads.. I love them, my little babies.. Whenever they fall sick, or less active, it got me worry... do not wish them to end up like little blanket... Bought little Blanket for my sister..took it back to Ipoh together with Bit & Mit.. She was just about a month old.. fall sick & we brought her to vet (injection & infusion) ... she was so weak... I was so worry for her.. Wen to Cameron on Merdeka day.. during the journey was thinking bout her & had a feeling that she wouldn't make it that day... Once reached home, jump off the car, ran into the house & true enough ... Blanket has left us for good :(
Miss her adorable little head peeping us whenever we watch tv...cuddling & playing with her....watching her....
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